Curved Glass Dish
A curved Murano glass dish by Attributed to Antonio Da Ros for ARS Cenedese Glass company in Murano Italy.
Dimensions: H 4cm W 16cm D 12cm
Origin: Italy
Date: Circa 1960
Gino Cenedese (1907-1973) established his own glass factory in partnership with the great glass masters of the time: Alfredo Barbini, Gino Fort, Angelo Tosi and Pietro Scaramal.
From 1963 to 1972 master glass-craftsman and artist Ermanno Nason was given freedom to work as he pleased at the factory. His production was extremely varied, pursuing – and reaching – the utmost quality and excellence, still unparalleled at present. In this period came also a collaboration with artist Harold Stevenson, who envisioned unique sculptures also inspired by the everchanging colours of the Venetian Lagoon (1968 –1969).
Subsequently the company undertook a continuing collaboration with Antonio Da Ros, a local artist fascinated by the decorative and chromatic possibilities of glass, who brought a fresh and enthusiastic approach that led to the search of unprecedented forms and chromatic effects. With Da Ros, the Sixties saw an important creation of the “submerged” glass forms among which the “Contrappunti”, fluids submerged playing on different tones of colours (works present at the various Venice Biennale Exhibitions, to many of the Milan Triennial Exhibitions and other important international exhibitions).
Ars Cenedese Murano still works today with the techniques and the art of a craft handed down through generations, creating time-less pieces destined to be unique.
Item Number: 1908206